
It's been a while, hasn't it? Completely my fault, due to a trip to London and other bits and bobs getting in the way, it's been very difficult to find time to write.

Luckily I'm now back to my previous hermit-y state of doing fuck all in the land of my bedroom, and with a nice little selection of artists to write about (yay!).

This duo were particularly cool for me to talk to having enjoyed their self-titled EP for a while; and so be prepared for the stunning sound of:


With over 12000 likes on Facebook and having been noticed by MTV, the pair is made up of Matt Merritt and Alyssa Coco, who both originate from Rochester NY and came together with 'the goal of making intimate connections with a wide audience through music'. 

I love it.

As I mentioned, I had the delightful opportunity to ask the pair some questions on their music, themselves and the all-important time machine question.

Q: Firstly - how long have you been making music together?  How long has it been an interest of yours?

A: Music has always been a major interest of ours, even before we met. Alyssa started singing at the age of 11 and made it to Hollywood on American Idol by the age 16.

Q: Have either of you ever been solo artists/with another group?

A: We met roughly 5 years ago through music and started playing in a full out rock band. We left that project and started Roses & Revolutions 2 years ago.

Q: How did the 'Roses and Revolutions EP' come about?

A: This new EP was a result of multiple songwriting sessions we did together. We played over 150 shows last year and wrote these songs between performances. After about a year of playing them out we recorded them and released the EP.
© Roses And Revolutions

Q: What are your personal favourite songs on the EP and why?

A: Alyssa: "These Walls" mainly because it's such a personal song to me and I've had other people reach and say it relates to them as well. That's the most rewarding thing as a songwriter.

Matt: "Take Me With You" It's a very short and simple song but was the most fun to write and record. It was the last song we wrote for the EP and it's fun to play live as well. We've also seen some really interesting covers of this song surface on Youtube.

Q: Which is your favourite venue to play? What venues would you hope to play in the future?

A: Our favorite venues to play are The Hotel Cafe in LA and FTC in Fairfield CT. Rockwood Music Hall in NYC is also always a great time. All venues attract audience that really want to listen and are very attentive. We would love to play on Late Night show. We're huge fans of Jimmy Fallon! It would also be a dream come true to play Red Rocks (CO) and The Ryman (Nashville).

Q: What inspires you? (It can be anything - Madds suddenly gets deep!)

A: Other artists inspire us. Especially when we get to see them live. We also find inspiration in movies & books. We LOVE going to the movies :)

Q: And lastly - you have a time machine.  You can go back/forward to anywhere, any time on Earth. Where would you go and why?

© Roses And Revolutions
A: That's a tough question... We would definitely go back in time. The future scares us! If we had one time machine travel we would probably end up on a pirate ship! Love pirate stories and old sea shanty songs so maybe we would go back and see what it was really like sailing the high seas!

Thank you so much to the musical geniuses that are Alyssa and Matt for taking the time to talk to me, as always it it greatly appreciated. If you like the sound of such brilliant people or their equally brilliant music (or both, I suppose), than check out their social media below - 
Their new single, 'Take Me With You' is available for purchase now!

Until Thursday, 
