For many of us, finding a safe space to be is as simple as being at home or staying in well lit areas at night. Sadly, however, that is not always the case for people who identify as transgender.

Just about everyone has heard about the laws in North Carolina that restrict a trans person's rights to use the bathroom of the gender with which they identify and have heard the argument that it had to be done to protect children. ChĂ©, who identifies as gender queer, says that politicians need to think about who they are hurting by having these laws and that "some of the world's most vulnerable people are hurt by laws (ie trans women of colour). Trans children are hurt by these laws and these are the same people claiming to protect women and children."  

While the laws themselves are only in affect in North Carolina, the fact that they have become a  topic of worldwide news means that they now affect the lives of trans people worldwide. Unfortunately, this can impact areas that some trans people can now feel safe in and highlights the importance of designated safe spaces for transgender people.

Recently, a shocking incident occurred where the only clinic in Canada that performs gender reaffirming surgery was purposely burned to the ground ruining a lot of people's chance at happiness and extending surgery wait lists by years. Incidents like this that occur are further evidence of the blatant discrimination that often occurs against transgender people. This discrimination is exactly why transgender safe spaces are needed. 

Transgender man Skylar says that these spaces are important because "most trans people live their lives in unsafe places and/or feeling unsafe or scared." He also mentioned that his biggest hope for the community is "for [trans people] to feel safe to be out and proud and for acceptance from others." 

It is not really asking for much, is it? To feel safe. We all want to feel safe, whether we are trans or not. It is unfortunate that so many trans people have to struggle so much just to find the safety many of us take for granted every day.

While there are not enough trans safe spaces at the moment to meet demand and there is still a lot of room for the community to grow, they do exist and are of great value to their community. If you or someone you know, is in need of one of these spaces or looking for general information on gender issues, here are some places that can help you find what you need.



United Kingdom:



Anonymous said…
agreed- more safe spaces definitely needed for the trans community. great piece.