Although it’s still largely a societal taboo, the makeup industry has seen a large increase in male influences today. Despite the views of many, it isn’t quite that odd for makeup to be used by men. When makeup first started it was worn by both men and women in Egypt, it was considered quite normal. Going forward into theater and even further to films men were, and are, always seen in at least some face powder. So, the idea that makeup is linked to only femininity and women is quite ridiculous when one actually thinks about it. Yet, boys in school can still be forced to remove their makeup for it can be found “distracting” or “obscene”. Men can get physically assaulted, and even in some countries, killed for wearing makeup on the street because some would think they were gay or transgender(as if that would be a reason to assault anyone). We still have miles to go when it comes to de-gendering the world of makeup but some men are finding their success in this industry.
One of the biggest names in the beauty industry today is Jeffree Star. Originally, getting his name out into the world from his music on myspace in 2006 and being famous for breaking gender ideals, Star now is the owner of one of the most popular makeup brands. He had always loved makeup, wearing it since middle school and working at a mac counter only a few years before launching his own brand. Jeffree Star Cosmetics first started in 2014 with a velour lip scrub. Now his brand is flourishing with his highly popular (and for a good reason) Velour Liquid Lipsticks and his new Beauty Killer eyeshadow palette. With products selling out in just minutes, rave media reviews, and large growing customer base; We’d say Jeffree Star really needn’t be bothered by a few people offended that a boy is wearing mascara.
Yet another boy your conservative grandma would be completely confused by is PatrickStarrr. Patrick is a filipino freelance makeup artist who first found his fame and success on youtube. With a whopping 1.2 million (and rapidly growing) subscribers and still starting his career, it’s safe to assume you won’t stop hearing about him anytime soon. He teaches a number of makeup classes to become a certified professional, find him on Recently he has teamed up with Color Curators to create his own line of nail polish available at makeup store Sephora. His Youtube channel has amazing tutorials ranging from everyday to even drag and there is never a flaw to be found. Patrick will only continue impressing us and becoming more and more successful in the industry as time passes.
Lastly on our list of the biggest upcoming male makeup artists is Manny Gutierrez. Better known by his followers as MannyMUA, he is yet another beauty star who started on social media on his youtube in 2014. He has at the moment 1.2 million Youtube subscribers and over 250 thousand Twitter followers. He has been making tutorials and reviews that have become insanely popular on social media. Manny has even released several successful makeup products of his own, these include; a Makeupgeek eyeshadow palette and a line of matte liquid lipsticks! His beauty and talent is undeniable and he has a bright personality to match. It’s simply impossible to not fall in love with him after just one watch.
This list doesn’t even scratch the surface of all of the men in makeup. There are many different places you can find these men. A large amount gain popularity on social media sites like youtube and instagram because those are places that there art would be more accepted in comparison to for example their school or work might be. An obvious other area male makeup artist are found are the world of drag. Queens like Miss Fame, Raven, and Kim Chi are most known for their makeup artistry and have found success in the industry other than drag. Male makeup artist are not even close to a new thing and are some of the most successful one today. People like Mathu Anderson, Scott Barnes and Billy B are huge names in the industry and have worked on movie sets and fashion editorials. However, even with the huge amount of success some have, for whatever reason it is still extremely rare to see boys with full faces on out to dinner.
The fear of the unique and different is stopping boys from being able to be themselves however they please. Barely any representation for men in makeup causes young kids to have a mind set that makeup is for girls. This can stop identity realization but also start a hatred seeded by society for anyone who might break this “rule” we have set. Makeup, dresses, heels and purses; all just physical items that oddly have a link to femininity set in our brains for really no reason other than old tired beliefs.We can’t really say when the gender barrier in the makeup and beauty industry will fade but with the works of these men, and all others in or out of the business, will lead us one step closer to a world of free expression.